Are you about to become a first time homeowner? It is important to understand each step of the process so you can remain comfortable in your new place. This includes having a reliable and affordable NC Homeowners Insurance policy.
Author: anchoradmin
If you have a new born, you may be lacking sleep. However, there are ways your whole family can get more shut eye. Follow these tips so you can remain alert during the day and possibly avoid claims on your NC Insurance due to accidents and mishaps.
The strong storms of last week caused thousands to be left in the dark. In addition, the lightening, wind, and rain caused severe damages to many properties. If you were in the middle of the disaster, then you need the support of NC Homeowners Insurance as you rebuild.
We are pleased to announce that Anchor Insurance has purchased the Washington Insurance Center effective March 1st 2011! With the recent acquisition of the Colleen Lupton Insurance Agency and now the purchase of the Washington Insurance Center, Anchor Insurance has expanded it’s business into the city of Washington, NC and the rest of the Beaufort county.
Anchor Insurance is pleased to announce it’s new office in Washington, NC. Effective December 31st , 2010, Anchor insurance purchased the Colleen Lupton Insurance Agency located at 844 Washington Plaza Washington, NC 27889. The new name will be Anchor Washington Insurance Agency Inc and we will continue to keep the current location at 844 Washington Plaza.
Renters Insurance
Do you rent your home, apartment, townhouse, mobile home? If so,you can have a homeowner’s policy that will cover your personal contents against the loss of fire, wind, and other perils. Don’t leave your possessions unprotected.
Term Life Insurance
Is your family protected? Consider a term life policy for yourself. It will provide the financial protection you will need for your family. Create a future with a piece of mind. Buy up to $250,000 in term life insurance in 15 minutes. No Medical Examination.
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