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National Chocolate Day Favorite Chocolate Cake

I realize this has nothing to do with insurance… but in celebration of National Chocolate Day, I would like to share my absolute favorite recipe for the BEST Chocolate Cake EVER.

I have been to restaurants and seen decadent looking, intricate chocolate cakes, but then when I have tasted them, I am just disappointed. There just is nothing that comes close to the wonderment of this easy, basic, original by Hershey’s.  The chocolate cake and frosting recipe that can be found here and is also on the every Hershey’s Cocoa container you purchase, has been around for ages. And I just don’t believe it can be out-done.

The only substitutions I have tried are with the extract.  Sometimes I will use almond rather than vanilla and once I used peppermint and added broken starlight mints to the top for a chocolate peppermint variation.  Those were great too, but the original is still the best.

If you haven’t tried this recipe yet, give it a whirl… you will not be disappointed.  And then let me know what you think.

If you have another phenomenal chocolate cake recipe, please share. I would love to try it out! I am sure it will be good, but I just don’t think it will beat this one.

Enjoy your chocolate today, and as always Stay Covered, North Carolina!


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