Cheaper Insurance at What Cost?

September 25, 2014
by anchoradmin
Category: Stay Covered

Do you know what to look for when shopping for insurance? Unless you are an agent, a risk manager, or perhaps a contract lawyer, probably not. One of our clients learned this first hand recently when he came in to cancel the auto insurance policy he had purchased just 10 days earlier. Always wanting to […]

Share the Road with Everyone, Including Bicyclists

September 25, 2012
by anchoradmin
Category: Our Blog

Just like you share the road with other cars and motorcycles, you also need to respect those on bicycles. You wouldn’t cut off a pedestrian in the street, so don’t do the same to a bicyclist. Following the rules of the road and being cautious of others will allow the road to be shared properly.

Are You Eating Healthy?

September 17, 2012
by anchoradmin
Category: Our Blog

Whether you are embarking on a new diet or like to maintain a healthy lifestyle for your family, it is important to know which nutrients are good and bad for you. In addition, you should be aware of exactly what foods you are putting into your body and how that may affect your well being.

Get Back On Track After Vacation

September 10, 2012
by anchoradmin
Category: Our Blog

Are you just coming back to work from vacation? It can be difficult to focus your mind on the tasks you have in front of you when your thoughts are drifting to the ocean air and warm weather. You may not even want to be in the office right now, but as the business owner, it is your job to get everyone on track. So what can you do to not get distracted after a nice, relaxing vacation?

Painting Safety Tips for the Interior of Your Home

September 3, 2012
by anchoradmin
Category: Our Blog

Is your kitchen wall starting to look grimy and colorless? It may be time to for a fresh paint job! Before beginning on such a project, you should make sure you have the right materials. Choosing a color to go with the theme of your home is an important step to take as well. Once you have all these items gathered, make sure to take safety precautions to avoid accidents or possible injuries.

Preventing Swimmer’s Ear in the Pool

August 20, 2012
by anchoradmin
Category: Our Blog

Are you children avid swimmers in the summer? Although the pool is a nice place to cool off, it may come with some risks. Did you ever think about the potential of your child contracting swimmer’s ear? This is a common issue that can arise when ear health is not monitored properly. Therefore, ensure your children are having fun and are not miserable this season with the right safety measures.

New Jobs Coming to the Local Area

August 13, 2012
by anchoradmin
Category: Our Blog

Are you looking for the opportunity to showcase your skills in a tough economy? Now is the perfect time to do so with more jobs arriving in the local area. If you feel you have the qualifications necessary to land your dream position, then take action. Organize your resume, network with those you can trust, and put yourself out there with confidence to succeed.

Tips for Fun Outdoor Activities with Your Kids

August 6, 2012
by anchoradmin
Category: Our Blog

So far this summer, the weather in North Carolina has been beautiful. On your days off, don’t you want to enjoy everything nature has to offer with your kids? You don’t need to spend lots of money in order to have fun during the season. Instead, spending quality family time should be enough to make the day worthwhile. In addition, you can think of creative ideas to do in your own backyard.

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