Custom Content Leadership

Effective Leadership Begins with You!

There may not be an “I” in team, but there is an “I” in disengaged. What does this have to do with leadership? Well, regardless of what, why and where you lead, you — as the leader — are directly responsible for the engagement of those who follow you.  It’s up to you to decide […]

Leadership Safety

Four Proven Ways to Improve the Safety at Your Church

Throughout the upheaval of COVID-19, discussions of church safety have primarily focused on masks, hand sanitizer, and social distancing. But as churches continue to reopen and resume in-person programs for families and children – and with mass shootings continuing to undermine Americans’ sense of safety, and the legacy of past church violence still painful – now is an important time […]

Leadership Workplace Leadership

Ways Leadership Affects Culture and Culture Affects Leadership

The remote work landscape changes some of this as employee communications can be more easily monitored and there are fewer “water cooler” moments on offer to begin with. But negativity can me a bit like trying to contain water in an enclosed space. If there’s a place for it to leak through, it likely will. […]


9 Books Every HR Pro Should Read in 2020

Quarantine leaves us with a healthy chunk of time to reassess and spend time with the ones we love. But as quarantine goes on, the work must go on as well and for HR professionals, that means developing professionally as much as everyone else within the organization. With all this time on your hands, a […]

Leadership Our Blog

What you Need to Know about Disciplining or Terminating an Employee

The prospect of corrective action or termination makes a lot of managers nervous. That’s understandable. For employees, being disciplined or losing their job can be anything from moderately embarrassing to financially devastating, but it’s rarely a happy occasion. For the employers, these actions always come with some risk, and there are plenty of legal danger […]

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