Virtual Instruction – Navigating Online Resources and Child Safety

October 12, 2020
by Church
Category: Sexual Abuse Training

Tags: Online SafetyRemote LearningVirtual Instruction

Gregory S. Love, Esq. Kimberlee D. Norris, Esq. April 17, 2020 Since mid-March, virtually all K-12 education is occurring remotely. In many ways ‘social distancing’ has limited the risk of inappropriate physical touch, while increasing the risk of inappropriate online communication. In the wake of Covid-19, how can schools and ministries mitigate the risk of […]

Preventive Care is as Easy as 1-2-3

October 7, 2020
by anchoradmin
Category: Custom ContentHealth CareHealthcare

Tags: Health ScreeningsImmunizationsPreventive Care

In a world where viruses run rampant across the globe and healthcare costs are skyrocketing, there is an easy way for you and your family to stay healthy—preventive care services. Preventive is defined as “used to stop something bad from happening.” Preventive care is care that thwarts off illness or disease thanks to regular check-ups, […]


September 30, 2020
by anchoradmin
Category: Custom ContentWellness

Tags: Telemedicine

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare system in the US has changed. More and more, people are seeking out telemedicine services versus the traditional brick and mortar physician’s office. This trend also includes telemental health services as well. So what are the advantages of these services and how are they growing to meet […]

What you Need to Know about Disciplining or Terminating an Employee

September 1, 2020
by anchoradmin
Category: LeadershipOur Blog

Tags: employee discipline

The prospect of corrective action or termination makes a lot of managers nervous. That’s understandable. For employees, being disciplined or losing their job can be anything from moderately embarrassing to financially devastating, but it’s rarely a happy occasion. For the employers, these actions always come with some risk, and there are plenty of legal danger […]

Gamification and Open Enrollment

August 24, 2020
by anchoradmin
Category: Custom Content

Tags: Employee BenefitsOpen Enrollment

  Open enrollment season is upon us and many companies are choosing to host “virtual benefits fairs” instead of the traditional “walk and talk” fairs. Open enrollment meetings have turned into live streaming events or recorded webinars. Incentivizing employee participation in these areas can come in a variety of ways but the newest trend is gamification. […]

Making the Workplace a Safe Place to Speak Up

August 18, 2020
by anchoradmin
Category: CommunicationCompany CultureCustom ContentUncategorized

Tags: EmployeesLeadership

  Right now, organizations across the country are asking themselves what they can do to make their workplaces more inclusive, diverse, and equitable, particularly for Black employees. They’re hosting conversations, acknowledging areas where they’ve fallen short, and identifying opportunities for improvement. For these efforts to be successful, employees need to be able to speak freely, […]

Family Caregivers: 5 Tools to Avoid Burnout

August 11, 2020
by anchoradmin
Category: Custom ContentHealthWellness

Tags: EldercareFamily Caregiver

  According to the National Center on Caregiving, a family caregiver (or informal caregiver) is “an unpaid individual (for example, a spouse, partner, family member, friend, or neighbor) involved in assisting others with activities of daily living and/or medical tasks.”  In the US, 85% of caregivers care for a relative or loved one with 42% […]

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