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Share the Road with Everyone, Including Bicyclists

Just like you share the road with other cars and motorcycles, you also need to respect those on bicycles. You wouldn’t cut off a pedestrian in the street, so don’t do the same to a bicyclist. Following the rules of the road and being cautious of others will allow the road to be shared properly.

Just like you share the road with other cars and motorcycles, you also need to respect those on bicycles. You wouldn’t cut off a pedestrian in the street, so don’t do the same to a bicyclist. Following the rules of the road and being cautious of others will allow the road to be shared properly. If you or someone else fails to do this, serious collisions and injuries could occur.

As a driver, it is important to remember that a bicycle is considered a vehicle too, so it has the same rights as any other forms of transportation. If you feel you become nervous around bicyclists or have trouble being careful around them, follow these tips to avoid these potential accidents:

Failing to Yield
• Drivers usually pull out from a stop sign too far, so they fail to yield to cyclists or they turn left in front of an oncoming bike. To avoid this accident, as you approach an intersection, stop with enough room for a bicycle to get by. Watch closely and be prepared for react quickly in case a biker comes out of nowhere.


Driving or Biking with No Lights
• Drivers or bicyclists who ride without lights are in more danger of causing a collision. If a car is turning or passing another vehicle and the bicyclist doesn’t have a light, they will more likely be hit. To avoid this accident, use proper lighting and wear the right clothing to be seen at night.

Opening a Car Door
• If you are in a city, side street parking is common, as is bicycle riding. Therefore, as the driver, you should look outside before opening a door. If you fail to look around, you could swing the door into a bicyclist, causing serious injury. As for the bike rider, be aware of people getting in and out of their cars to avoid being hit. Also, never ride closer than three feet from a parked car.

At Anchor Insurance Agencies, we strive to protect motorists and those who share the road along with them. These tips are meant to maintain a safer road in the community. If you ride your bicycle often, then you should do everything possible to make sure you are seen by others, and always wear a helmet. As for drivers, make sure to be aware of your surroundings and wear a seat belt. Keeping your safety in mind could help you avoid major collisions and injuries.
