Church Nonprofit Property and Casualty Zywave

Risk Insights: Protecting Donations

Donations or tithes are a critical part of operations at a religious organization. The money collected may be used to keep your organization afloat or give back to the community. While most people view their religious organization as a place of peace and trust, there are those who may take advantage of that atmosphere to […]

Church Property and Casualty Risk Management

Risk Insights: Recreational Program Risks

Religious organizations are increasingly offering activities to engage children, teens and young adults. These activities may include recreational sports or church lock-ins, and they are often chosen because they can foster a sense of community. However, these activities also come with risks to both the children and your organization. Before planning a church lock-in or […]

Our Blog Property and Casualty Safety

Summer and Day Camp Safety Matters – Recognizing and Responding to Allergic Reactions

Recognizing and Responding to Allergic Reactions   Nearly 50 million people across the United States have an allergy of some kind, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. As such, allergic reactions are a significant threat at any summer or day camp. While some reactions are accompanied by minor symptoms, others can […]

Church Property and Casualty Safety

Baptistery Dangers: Is Your Church at Risk?

Every week in churches across America baptisms take place. Thankfully, the majority of baptisms go off without a hitch. Nevertheless, churches need to be aware of the dangers that accompany the mix of water, people and electricity that baptisms entail. Take this claim for example: During a dress rehearsal for an Easter play production, one […]

Church Property and Casualty Safety

The Most Common Church Claims

If your church is like many others, it probably has a limited budget, the staff is busy with ministry activities and it is difficult to take on additional responsibilities. This can be an issue when it comes to risk management, improving safety for congregants and enhancing your facility’s security. Over the last several years, the […]

Nonprofit Property and Casualty

Ten Ways Organizations Can Reduce Their Risk in 2023

Here is the Top Ten list of steps organizations can take to help reduce risk and keep resources focused on their mission. #10 — Playground protective surfaces The surface in and around playground equipment can be a major factor in causing injury. A fall onto a shock-absorbing surface is less likely to cause injury than […]

Nonprofit Property and Casualty

Nonprofit Risk Insights: Liabilities for the Board of Directors

Nonprofit organizations provide essential social services that benefit communities and their members. These organizations cannot survive without a solid volunteer Board of Directors assigned to elect officers, adopt policies and make major financial decisions for the organization. Although the members of the board are volunteers, there is a certain amount of risk involved in holding […]

Church Nonprofit Property and Casualty

Loss Control Tips: Houses of Worship – Professional Liability

Owning and operating a house of worship—whether it be a church, synagogue, temple or chapel—can be a rewarding endeavor. These establishments play a major role in bringing faith-based communities together for a wide range of activities and celebrations, such as prayer services, religious studies, youth programs, weddings, baptisms, funerals, confirmations and holiday parties. However, operating […]

Property and Casualty Safety Uncategorized

Spring Cleaning Your Playground

Having playground equipment at your facility is a great way for children to get outside, run off some energy, and enjoy playing with other kids. Over the winter months, inclement weather can have a damaging effect on your playground equipment and the area surrounding it. To ensure your playground is safe and ready for use, […]

Church Nonprofit Property and Casualty

Preparing for a Safe Easter

There are many factors to consider when preparing for larger crowds at your church.  Preparation is key in making sure both your property and your people are prepared for the big event. While you may already have safety and risk management procedures in place, think about the following ideas when reviewing those actions and getting ready […]

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