Church Nonprofit

Risk Insights – Recreational Program Risks at Religious Organizations

Religious organizations are increasingly offering activities to engage children, teens and young adults. These activities may include recreational sports or church lock-ins, and they are often chosen because they can foster a sense of community. However, these activities also come with risks to both the children and your organization. Before planning a church lock-in or […]

Church Nonprofit

Choosing Third-Party Vendors

Whether you need grounds maintenance, snow removal or transportation services, chances are your organization has to work with a third-party vendor. It is always a leap of faith to hire another company, especially if the people you serve will depend on that company as much as they depend on you. Here, Church Mutual offers some […]

Church Insurance Property and Casualty

When to Review Your Church Insurance Policy

“Is this covered?” Asking your insurance agent this simple question about your policy any time your church experiences a transition or change (or if it’s been awhile since you’ve reviewed your church’s insurance policy) can help ensure the church remains protected from loss and liability. During an insurance review, you and your agent will discuss […]

Church Nonprofit

Beat the Heat at Your Summer Events

As summer continues, outdoor activities and events become a natural part of your organization’s programming. Although summer may be the best time of the year, it can also be the most dangerous. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, heat waves are expected to become more frequent, longer and hotter, posing a serious risk to time […]

Church Nonprofit Property and Casualty

Keep Your People Safe When They Travel

If you run a nonprofit or other organization that works for the greater good, you might find yourself considering international travel. For example, members of your organization may want to bring food or medical supplies to other countries, participate in construction projects, provide educational services or have other reasons for traveling abroad. However, when they […]

Church Nonprofit Safety

Be Ready for the Next Storm

Whether it’s high winds, large hail, frequent lightning, or flash floods, severe weather has the potential to cause serious injury and property damage. Camps and conference centers in every state have the potential to face severe weather this season. Although severe weather occurs year-round, spring is a time to be on high alert. Now is […]

Church Nonprofit Property and Casualty

Preventing Theft in Your Organization

Intelligent. Hard working. Motivated. Dedicated. Valued. Trusted. These are the characteristics you would like for all of your employees and volunteers to possess. Unfortunately, they are also the characteristics the FBI uses when describing the profile of an embezzler. Theft or embezzlement at worship centers happens at facilities of all sizes, within all denominations and […]

Church Safety

Spring Maintenance of Parking Lots

Prevent slips and falls with these parking lot safety maintenance guidelines. Winter has finally passed, and spring is upon us. However, while the cold weather may have moved on, it oftentimes leaves behind damaging effects to outdoor surfaces. Winter weather can cause damage to your parking lots in the form of potholes, cracks, and deterioration […]

Church Nonprofit Safety

Spring Property Safety Check-Up

Hello, spring! As the days get warmer and longer, it’s a good idea to inspect your property and ensure it withstood winter’s harsh conditions and is ready for severe weather season – and lots of use. Check the following outdoor spaces to ensure they are in good condition. If you see any signs of damage or disrepair, […]

Church Nonprofit Sexual Abuse Training

Three Keys for Effective Abuse Prevention Programs

Seldom has a week gone by without a church, nonprofit or school making national news because of the sexual misconduct of one of their employees or volunteers. These allegations consume time and financial resources while destroying the organization’s reputation. Very few things can undermine the mission of an organization faster than the breach of trust […]

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