Loss Control Tips – Houses of Worship – Employee Safety

March 7, 2023
by anchoradmin
Category: ChurchNonprofitProperty and Casualty

Tags: Employee SafetyP&Crisk mitigationVolunteer Safety

Owning and operating a house of worship—whether it be a church, synagogue, temple or chapel—can be a rewarding endeavor. These establishments play a major role in bringing faith-based communities together for a wide range of activities and celebrations, such as prayer services, religious studies, youth programs, weddings, baptisms, funerals, confirmations and holiday parties. However, operating […]

Employee Benefit Communication: It’s Not Just About Open Enrollment

February 28, 2023
by anchoradmin
Category: Custom ContentEmployee Benefits

Tags: Employee BenefitsHR

Employee benefits and open enrollment may be something you only think about a few times a year, and for your employees, it might be even less often. However, with a thoughtful, year-round communications plan, your business can increase employee engagement and smart benefits utilization. Many employees don’t know what benefits are available or how to utilize […]

Healthcare 101: Back to Basics

February 21, 2023
by anchoradmin
Category: Custom ContentEmployee Benefits

Tags: Health InsuranceHealthcareHealthcare Costs

Getting sick can be expensive.  Even minor illnesses and injuries can be very costly to diagnose and treat.  Health care coverage helps you get the care you need and protects you and your family financially if you get sick or injured. We’re breaking down the health insurance basics.  Because, when you understand it, you’re more […]

Nonprofit and Faith-based Risk Insights: Avoiding Sexual Abuse Liability

February 13, 2023
by anchoradmin
Category: Nonprofit

Tags: Sexual Abuse Prevention

Nonprofits, faith-based organizations and other similar groups are at risk for false allegations of sexual assault due to the recent spotlight on the issue and the unique characteristics of these organizations, namely the frequent, unsupervised interaction between children and a trusted adult. Whether legitimate or phony, sexual-abuse allegations involving a minor can have catastrophic consequences […]

Loss Control Tips: Houses of Worship – Property

February 8, 2023
by anchoradmin
Category: ChurchNonprofitProperty and Casualty

Tags: P&Cproperty damagerisk mitigation

Owning and operating a house of worship—whether it be a church, synagogue, temple or chapel—can be a rewarding endeavor. These establishments play a major role in bringing faith-based communities together for a wide range of activities and celebrations, such as prayer services, religious studies, youth programs, weddings, baptisms, funerals, confirmations and holiday parties. However, operating […]

Virtual Primary Care: The New Doctor’s Office?

January 31, 2023
by anchoradmin
Category: Custom ContentHealthHealthcareTelemedicine

Tags: Primary CareTelemedicineVirtual Primary CareVPC

The pandemic gave us more reasons, and more options, to see doctors online. More and more, people are seeking out telemedicine services versus the traditional brick and mortar physician’s office. This trend includes telemental health services as well. And much like the necessity of remote work proved its potential to employers, telemedicine took hold as […]

Financial Fitness for the New Year

January 23, 2023
by anchoradmin
Category: Custom ContentFinancial HealthHealth

Tags: Financial Fitness

It’s often thought that having money leads to happiness.  While that’s not necessarily true, being financially secure does create a sense of well-being which impacts your mental and physical health.  To address our whole health in 2023, we need to understand the relationship between financial and physical wellness. Inflation, at 7.1%, has made financial stress […]

Loss Control Tips: Houses of Worship – General Liability

January 17, 2023
by anchoradmin
Category: ChurchNonprofitProperty and Casualty

Tags: P&Crisk mitigation

Owning and operating a house of worship—whether it be a church, synagogue, temple or chapel—can be a rewarding endeavor. These establishments play a major role in bringing faith-based communities together for a wide range of activities and celebrations, such as prayer services, religious studies, youth programs, weddings, baptisms, funerals, confirmations and holiday parties. However, operating […]

Nonprofit and Faith-based Risk Insights: Managing Volunteers in Your Organization

December 26, 2022
by anchoradmin
Category: VolunteerZywave

Tags: risk managementVolunteers

As a nonprofit organization, most of your workforce is probably comprised of volunteers. These individuals devote their time and energy to help the community through your organization. Though these individuals offer their services without expecting compensation, they still require supervision to ensure that their jobs are done correctly. Furthermore, it is important for your organization […]

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