Church Maintenance Nonprofit

Routine Maintenance Reduces Risk and Losses: Playgrounds

We know that when you think of doing ministry, you’re probably not envisioning inspecting your roof, replacing filters, and making sure gutters are clear.

But each of these tasks is part of keeping your building and grounds in order. A church that is taken care of can better serve its congregation the community. The last thing anyone should worry about when they come to church is their safety.

Doing routine maintenance needs to be something your church does, like clockwork. If you’re not doing it now, that’s okay. We’re here to walk you through a few basics to get you started.

Keep Your Play Areas Safe

  1. If your church has a playground, look for any loose or rotting wood and keep an eye out for nails or sharp objects that could hurt children when they’re out playing.
  2. Test swing seats and all playground equipment to make sure they’re secure and in good working order. Replace or remove any damaged or defective equipment that could pose a risk to children playing.

Originally posted on Southern Mutual Church Insurance Company

This material is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to give specific legal or risk management advice, nor are any suggested checklists or action plans intended to include or address all possible risk management exposures or solutions. You are encouraged to retain your own expert consultants and legal advisors in order to develop a risk management plan specific to your own activities.

ChurchInsure is a division of Anchor Insurance Agencies specializing in the unique insurance and risk management needs of religious institutions. Visit our website to learn how we can serve you at

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